Consumer Confidence Report

Please read the 2024 Consumer Confidence Report for the City of Milford.  This report tells about the water delivered to the citizens of the City of Milford for the calendar year 2023. 

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Contact Us

Monday - Friday
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

201 12th Street
Milford, Kansas 66514

Ph: (785) 463-5490
Fax: (785) 463-5420

Visit us on Facebook (10) Milford, Kansas | Facebook

Visit Milford Youth Sports and Park  

Milford Cemetery contact is Dan Roether (785) 375-9994


1.  The City of Milford passed an ordinance 2024-02 that pertains to Short Term Rentals(VRBO's, Air BnB etc.) This ordinance makes it so that you are not allowed to have a short term rental in the City limits of Milford.  Please contact the City Clerk if you have any questions about this new ordinance.  

2.  All pets in Milford must be registered with the City.  You need proof of rabies shot.  The tags are good for Jan 1 - Dec 31 and cost $4 if the pet is fixed and $8 if the pet is not fixed.  Please be a responsible pet owner and register your animals. You are only allowed to harbor 3 pets.  If you have more than 3 you must have a kennel license.  If you live in a residental neighborhood you will not be able to get a kennel license.  Any questions please call the city clerk.   

3.  There is no parking in the grass at the city park, this includes around the baseball fields.  This is per our city ordinance. 

4.  Zoning.  The City of Milford is a zoned city.  Check with the city clerk before you do any construction on your house or property to see if you need a building permit.  We are working with International Build Code(IBC) 2012.  So, all new construction and upgrades must meet the ICB 2012 code. 

5.  The speed limit in town on all roads is 20 mph please drive the speed limit and watch out for kids playing.

6.  With winter approching please remove all vehicles and trailers from the road when it snows.  All roadways in Milford are a emergency snow route.  This makes it easier for city staff to keep your roads cleared.  Thanks.    



Upcoming Events

April 2025

8 th -  Milford Lions Club Meeting 6:00 pm

10th - Milford City Council Meeting 6:00 pm

14th - Milford Vol Fire Department Meeting 6:30 pm







